Markets & Metals May 2020 Coronavirus Edition
As previously discussed in the last Market & Metals post, we discussed the unknown impacts of the global pandemic and the difficulty forecasting into a wildly uncertain economic horizon. The roughly 20 drop that we observed at the beginning of the Pandemic in the U.S. has held relatively steady into May. Average scrap values fell

Scrap Metal Market Mid-March 2020 Update: China & Steel Overproduction
In the last Market & Metals post, it was reported that after two consecutive months of increase, scrap steel marginally dropped by 2.4 percent in price on a national level. This figure is largely insignificant now because at the time, the economic effects of the global pandemic that is the coronavirus had not yet fully

Scrap Metal Market March 2020: Coronavirus Threatens U.S. Steel and Automakers’ Production
March scrap steel price drops amid coronavirus market scares After two consecutive months of increased national scrap steel prices, the market has now dropped off slightly due to widespread global panic over the coronavirus. In March, the national price of scrap steel is now exactly $141, a decrease of 2.35 percent, or less than four

Scrap Metal Market February 2020: Scrap Price Recovery Update
February showing promise in 2020 For the first time in eight months, scrap steel prices increased nationally in January by 0.74 percent. This month, the national price of scrap steel is now a little over $144, a more than eight dollar increase staying on par with industry experts’ prediction that scrap prices will slowly recover

Scrap Metal Market: March 2019 Scrap Market Continues to Slide
While the scrap market slump lingers on it looks to stabilize with the possible completion of U.S.-China trade talks and the ongoing recovery of the Brazil mining disaster. The scrap market has stabilized going into March relative to the February market report. Last months blog of course showed the largest decline in the National Crushed