AIDs Awareness Month
AIDs is one of the scariest words in the dictionary, but as scary as the word may seem to us, for some it is a lifelong reality. Over one million Americans are living with HIV/AIDs.

2009 Mini Cooper S for the American Cancer Society.
In November 2016 we had a car donation to the American Cancer Society from a generous donor from Oklahoma. They had donated their 2009 Mini Cooper S 2 door to help support their favorite charity.

1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SL for U.S. Fund for UNICEF.
One of our amazing donors recently donated a 1986 Mercedes-Benz 560SL with 174,071 miles on it. The vehicle was was donated to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

Did You Know? A Look Into Automotive Recycling Facts
Cars and trucks are often the topic of conversation when it comes to world pollution. However, the automotive recycling industry is one of the most efficient programs running. Consequently, in the U.S. and Canada alone there are over 11 million vehicles recycled every year.¹ The automotive recycling industry is continuously developing creative ways to reuse

2011 Land Rover LR2 for American Cancer Society.
We had an amazing donation to the American Cancer Society in July of 2015 and it brought in a generous amount in for the charity.

National Alliance on Mental Illness
Teri, one of our terrific employees at Advanced Remarketing Services, shared a presentation with us that was focused on The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). NAMI has touched the life of her and her family and touchs the lives of many others every day. When you donate your car to NAMI, you are helping them

Holocaust Stamp Project Event at The Foxborough Regional Charter School
We were lucky enough to have been able to go to the Foxborough Regional Charter School to see the Holocaust Stamp Project Event. They had a guest speaker Michael Joukowsky. Michael Joukowsky is the President of Crawford High Performance Composites Ltd., specializing in composite technology and design. He is also the co-founder and manager of

Earth Day 2016 #DirtySockChallenge
Today we decided to do something fun for Earth Day. We saw a challenge online called the Dirty Sock Challenge so we decided to test it out. How the #DirtySockChallenge works is: Have a new white sock. Place it on the tailpipe of your vehicle. Start your vehicle and let it run for one minute.