donate to knkx

Donating Hope to KNKX

Does your vehicle have a name? 42% of people admit to naming their car! The most common names reported are Betty and Betsy. Today’s story is not about a Betty or a Betsy, but a 1984 Honda motorcycle named Hope. After years on the road, Hope’s owner decided to donate to KNKX! Keep reading to

1955 Cadillac Donated to Dallas Habitat for Humanity

Guest Blogger: Austin Vierkant Click that seatbelt, this blog post will be a bit different than the usually scheduled donation post. This is about a 1955 Cadillac DeVille, that above all odds made it out alive. The car had a rough life staying outside in the elements. It isn’t in the best condition and while

Chinese Automakers Focus on Launching into U.S.

The last adjustment they will have to make is obviously navigating their way around this new tariff hike. Michael Dunne, CEO of Chiense automotive adviser ZoZo Go, believes that the tariff is a “decoy” and specifically a direct threat to China’s electric car industry because “technology is what the trade negotiators are working on”. China

cars for homes

1940 Chevrolet Donated to Solano-Napa Habitat for Humanity

This week, take a look at an antique vehicle that, as a donation, helped build a brighter future. The truck in question is a silver 1940 Chevrolet ½ Ton, carefully restored into a shiny wonder. Keep reading to learn a little about the history of the Chevy Silverado’s predecessor, and the charity it helped support

march for babies

March for Babies

A windy and overcast Saturday brought hundreds together for an amazing cause: the March for Babies! This year’s March for Babies was not going to be rained on. Advanced Remarketing team members gathered together and raised over $2,000, doubling our goal and making a huge difference in the lives of pregnant women and babies. We

Earth Day, Hooray!

Guest Blogger: Codi Medieros Happy Earth Day! Earth Day is a Worldwide holiday celebrated every April 22nd to help support environmental protection! Did you know the annual amount spent on cleaning up litter is $11.5 BILLION dollars? And 50% of the litter is cigarette butts? Imagine what more we could do with $11.5 billion dollars

Spring Egg Hunt

Guest Contributor: Kaleigh Machado Spring is celebrated by different people located all over the world and they all celebrate in their own way. ARS decided we would celebrate spring by hosting a spring egg hunt! New England winters can feel never-ending, and even though it’s technically been spring for weeks, most days don’t quite feel