Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice  Both the longest and shortest days on the planet. For the Northern and Southern hemispheres the solstice dates are flipped. The hemispheres exist above and below the earth’s equator. Summer Solstice – the beginning of summer – and when the North Pole is titled the closest to the sun, meaning it is also the

Markets & Metals May 2020 Coronavirus Edition

As previously discussed in the last Market & Metals post, we discussed the unknown impacts of the global pandemic and the difficulty forecasting into a wildly uncertain economic horizon.   The roughly 20 drop that we observed at the beginning of the Pandemic in the U.S. has held relatively steady into May.   Average scrap values fell

Scrap Metal Market Mid-March 2020 Update: China & Steel Overproduction

In the last Market & Metals post, it was reported that after two consecutive months of increase, scrap steel marginally dropped by 2.4 percent in price on a national level. This figure is largely insignificant now because at the time, the economic effects of the global pandemic that is the coronavirus had not yet fully

St. Patrick's Day 2020

St. Patrick’s Day 2020

St Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday celebrated by the Irish for over the last 1,000 years. Saint Patrick’s life is explained with the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This legend is often depicted using a shamrock – the Irish Clover. The shamrock is the national flower of Ireland. March 17th is

ARS Excellence in Business Award 2020

ARS Awarded the 2020 Excellence in Business Award

On February 26th, The Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce hosted its Annual Excellence in Business Awards at Oceancliff. The Awards recognize and celebrate outstanding business achievement in the Greater Newport, RI area. Advanced Remarketing Services was honored to accept the 2020 Newport Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Business Big Business Award. The nominations for each

Women's Day ARS

International Women’s Day at ARS

Interview Day at ARS 2019 In honor of Women’s Day I would like to recognize ARS. Since entering the ARS office, I had only spoken to women and I was surprised by the woman to man ratio (65% female and 35% male). Check Coming from a highly-malecentric corporate job – it was refreshing and it

Leap Year 2020 Birthday

Leap Day: Year 2020

Things to Know About Leap Day – Year 2020 Leap Day Originated with the Egyptians  The Leap Year tradition didn’t reach Rome until Julius Caesar Leap Day is a way to make sure time in true with the rotation of the Earth Each year, a quarter-day is earned; therefore, 1 leap day is added every four

Random Acts of Kindness Day

2/17 Random Acts of Kindness Day

Random Acts of Kindness Day Random Acts of Kindness Day – it’s a thing. Some of you may have been socialized with the day back in college. Others of you may be beaming with positivity and 100% have this day marked on your calendar like its a national holiday. And some look up ways to