Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: November 2015

Scrap Metal Market Trends Scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies have declined. We’ve seen a decrease of 3.39% over the past month, a decline of 48.67% over the past year, and a decline of 59.51% over the past two years. This trend may be observed below: Chart | Scrap Metal Market Trends

China Steel Prices Demand Decline

Bloomberg: China Steel Head Says Demand Slumping at Unprecedented Speed

From: China Steel Head Says Demand Slumping at Unprecedented Speed (Bloomberg) By Bloomberg News If anyone doubted the magnitude of the crisis facing the world’s largest steel industry, listening to Zhu Jimin would put them right, fast. Demand is collapsing along with prices, banks are tightening lending and losses are stacking up, the deputy head of the


Wicked Big Meet 2015

Some Wicked Cool Cars If there’s one thing anyone knows about Subaru, it’s that the Subaru Outback is EVRYWHERE. The most well-known vehicle out of their lineup; normally purchased by people who enjoy hiking, and the golden retriever families from the commercials. If you don’t know the Outback, you will surely know the Wagon-Pickup hybrid,

Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: October 2015

Scrap Metal Market Trends Scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies have remained steady from last month. We’ve seen no change over the previous month, a decrease of 50.28% over the past year, and a decline by 58.29% over the past two years. This trend may be observed below: Chart | Scrap Metal Market Trends


Three words to describe the company’s EAT LOCAL, EAT FRESH program: Tasty…Variety…Healthy. YES! I discovered that carrots come in many colors with subtle taste differences. And, YES! I rediscovered I do not like beets. It was a fun idea. We never knew what would show up on the table. ‘Best of Show’: Kristine’s shark/boat!!! Stephanie

11 Reasons Why We Love Autos (And You Should, Too!)

There are so many reasons to love autos…all kinds.  Here are our favorites: F – A – S – T !! Relatively speaking, they’re the most accessible (and cheapest) way to move really fast.  Sure, it may be cheaper to take the bus, but it sure doesn’t move as fast as a car can! It

Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: 3rd Quarter 2015

Scrap Metal Market Watch graph from first quarter 2011 to third quarter 2015 Over last quarter, scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies declined 2.12%. Over Q3 2014, scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies declined 47.72%. Over Q3 2013, scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies declined 54.95%. Over Q3 2012, scrap metal prices

Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: September 2015

Scrap Metal Market Trends Scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies have declined. We’ve seen a decrease of 8.97% over the past month, a decline of 51.07% over the past year, and a decline of 59.41% over the past two years. This trend may be observed below: Chart | Scrap Metal Market Trends

End of the Year…ALREADY?!

I think I saw…no, I KNOW I saw some bright orange leaves on a tree in my yard this weekend. You know what that means.  Fall is coming! Let’s face it…we’re way more than halfway through the year and before you know it we’ll find ourselves preparing for the holidays with cooking, shopping, planning and

road sign scams

Charity Scams and Scammers: Absolute Villains

These scams have to stop. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission and regulators for all 50 States filed complaints alleging that a family group and members of their church congregation bilked donors of $187 million over five years. That number again is $187,000,000!!!!!! The complaints identify four connected groups operating as “personal fiefdoms” and “sham charities”. The