Eco-Friendly Benefits of Auto Recycling

Get Familiar with the Auto Recycling

Have you heard that based on auto recycling statistics within the United States, the vehicle you are currently driving is the number one recycled product in the nation? Here are some of the benefits of auto recycling…

Each year, more than 12,000,000 cars are processed through the auto recycling system. Additionally, more than 25 cars are recycled per minute in the United States. Today, at ARS, we take pride in being part of such an environmentally conscious industry.

When you picture recycling in the U.S., plastic water bottles likely spring to mind. Unfortunately, Americans are quite poor at recycling bottles, using nearly 60 million per day, and only recycling roughly 12%. On the bright side, our auto recycling industry presents a much higher success rate, with over 80% of a vehicle being suitable for recycling.

What’s in Your Car?

Have you ever wondered what parts of your car can be recycled? Today’s vehicles are far more than just large pieces of metal. Metals such as steel, aluminum, palladium, platinum, zinc and cobalt along with materials such as plastic, carbon fiber, rubber, and glass all make up the vehicle sitting in your driveway. Fun fact, more than 18 million tons of steel is recycled each year. No matter how many times it’s processed, steel will always maintain its strength. This makes it significantly better to recycle and reuse, as opposed to creating new steel from scratch. Between the U.S. and Canada’s combined efforts, enough steel is recycled to create approximately 13 million new cars each year.











Over 83 million barrels of oil are conserved thanks to materials that are salvaged from recycled vehicles. Otherwise, the need for oil would increase in order to manufacture these materials. The recycling process also consists of the safe extraction of fluids & oils from each car that is recycled. To put this in perspective, the amount of fluids & oil that is recycled is equivalent to 8 Exxon Valdez oil spills. In addition, nearly 99% of car batteries are also able to be recycled.

Less than 10% of a vehicle’s total weight is attributed to aluminum, however, 90% of this aluminum is recycled and can contribute to nearly half of the vehicle’s recycled value.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) & Auto Recycling

Electric, and hybrid vehicles are becoming more and more popular. In turn, the automobile industry itself is going through continuous changes. This calls for auto recycling companies to pay very close attention. The unpredictability of lithium batteries, which many of these new vehicles obtain, presents one of many challenges. Advanced technology is also required in order to safely dismantle these vehicles to recycle their materials properly.

“…moving forward, it will be important for recyclers to build partnerships with automakers to understand how best to recycle batteries and deal with the potentially dangerous aspect of the technology – both chemical and electrical” – Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Will Impact Auto Recyclers, American Recycler


It is important to pay attention to other emerging technologies such as self-driving cars, driver override systems, dynamic window displays, and other innovative advancements that are continuing to transform the automotive industry.

Environmental Benefits of ARS

In terms of supporting the environment, the benefits of auto recycling remain evident. Recently, a group of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) conducted a study that assessed the beneficial environmental effects of the Automotive Recyclers of Massachusetts (ARM) members.

“What the automotive recyclers are doing is saving materials, saving energy and impacting the environment in a positive way, in a great sense,” said Professor Brajendra Mishra, PhD, Director of the Metal Processing Institute at WPI


When integrated into our daily operations here at Advanced Remarketing Services, the insights of this report create a substantial positive effect across the United States. As of 2017, ARS successfully redirected approximately 385,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the recycling process, significantly reducing the demand of new materials. To put this into perspective, the CO2 emissions we prevented at ARS alone could power nearly 50,000 homes… for an entire year!

At ARS, we are incredibly proud of the environmental achievements and so grateful we have such an environmentally aware and dedicated team. As Earth’s resources dwindle, it is essential for the automotive recycling industry to provide the extra effort in the circular economy in both the manufacturing and recycling processes.

How to Recycle Your Car

Regardless of rust, damage or operational status, your vehicle can be recycled! While there isn’t curbside pickup for auto recycling (yet), locating a nearby facility is all it takes. Prior to selling your car to these recycling companies for cash, make sure you remember your personal items, you cancel your insurance, and ensure the title transfer is done correctly. You can find excellent resources on our website regarding title transfers for every state, along with informative videos from our friendly team!

A service like ‘You Call We Haul’ can assist you in locating a buyer for your vehicle.If there isn’t a recycling center nearby, or if the offer you receive is unsatisfactory, donating your vehicle to a nonprofit organization is another stellar option. Your vehicle will still be recycled as if it were sold to a local recycler, but instead, the funds generated will benefit a charity that you select! In addition, this also results in a tax deduction.


We have seen the number of new cars sold continue to experience a steep decline. However, nearly six million more vehicles were sold than taken off the roads for recycling in the U.S. The United States alone represents 25% of all vehicles in operation globally, which makes it crucial to understand and recognize the positive benefits of auto recycling. Join all of us at ARS in the mission of ensuring global resources do not dwindle, and that our environment continues to be protected!

William HearnEco-Friendly Benefits of Auto Recycling

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